Uganda Telecommunications Corporation Limited is an Internet Service Provider(ISP), we offer a variety of internet services.
Methods /technologies through which Uganda Telecommunications Corporation Ltd provides internet services include:
- Copper
- Nano Bridge which is wireless method
- Optic fiber method and it is mainly for postpaid service
- Wimax- wireless method where plug and play modem is used
Uganda Telecommunications Corporation Ltd has 2 types/categories of its products and service and they include
- Prepaid services where client is required to first pay for service before it is consumed
- Postpaid service ; this is where client consumes service on credit and he is invoiced at end of every month
Prepaid Services:
It is a type of service where client pays for service or product before it is supplied.
Advantages of prepaid services:
- There is no accumulation of monthly invoices because customer pays for the service before consumption
- Customer is able to manage and control usage
- Little paperwork is required at entry point and so the entire process is simple and user-friendly
Postpaid services:
It is a type of service where customer consumes the service on credit and is given an invoice at the end of the month for settlement.
Advantages of postpaid services include:
- Use the service and pay later
- It is a managed service and so a dedicated resource in form of Account Manager is allocated to the customer for premium customer care
- Service order form/contract is signed between UTCL and customer
- System generated tax invoices are shared with customers and so he will be able to claim for VAT