Keep in touch even when you are unavailable by allowing callers to leave recorded messages. You can have as many as 10 messages stored in your voice mailbox
Forward all your incoming calls to another number of your choice. This service gives you the opportunity never to miss a call.
UTel’s conference service gives you the ability to “call and set up a meeting”, via your mobile, quickly and easily. You can connect up to five people all at the same time whenever you need them, wherever they are.
Protect your phone from abuse by others by barring all outgoing calls or if you are not ready to receive any calls, you can do the same for all incoming calls.
Now you can answer an incoming call while on another. No more annoying ‘user busy’? tones. This gives you the opportunity to know who called and the choice to answer their call or not.
This feature enables you to pick up a different call while placing the call you are on, on hold.
This feature enables you to identify your caller, before picking up the call.